With September slithering its way into our lives in just two short weeks, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the whirlwind tour I’ve been on during the past four months. I’ve been busy and that’s apparent given my lack of writing. For that, I apologize dear readers. I’ve been cruising along the coast, soaking up a little sun and laughing with like-minded ladies. To sum it up, I’ve been relishing in beautiful places and equally beautiful things.
Ever since I returned from London and Paris (I WILL be sharing my European excursion at some point), there has been a carousel of events, celebrations and commitments vying for my time and attention. Although I’m exhausted and slightly ready for the hibernation that is fall and (gasp) winter, I wouldn’t change things one bit. Life’s too short to skip what’s important and as you know, writing and my relationships rank among the most important in my life.
Despite my blog taking a bit of a back seat this season and to be honest this entire year, I’ve never once forgotten about you — my purrfectly chic readers whom I love and value so much. Thank you for continuing to relish in the beauty that is Rue Le Chat and enjoy these snapshots filled with love, laughter and life.
London, my dear chap, is for everyone.
Photo Credit :: Alexis Kletjian |